Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover Introduction

Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding require so much of a woman’s body and the changes that occur during these phases can be immense. Oftentimes, a woman’s body does not return to what it was pre-pregnancy, despite significant efforts. There are changes to skin elasticity, muscle tone, breast shape, and nipple position that often are permanent. Mothers take on a huge responsibility at home, and many are juggling careers and families at the same time. As a mother of two young boys herself, Dr. Molina understands the deep desire to get back to a pre-pregnancy body, or even better than pre-pregnancy, but that this is a difficult task when you have limited time. Dr. Molina knows firsthand that mothers just want to feel good again. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bianca Molina believes in treating her patients with kindness, empathy, and personalized care. Below you can explore the procedures that make up what we call a Mommy Makeover.

woman in a black top and overcoat closing her eyes Bianca | Molina Plastic surgery New York

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a customized group of cosmetic procedures aimed at helping a woman’s body bounce back after pregnancy. This package of procedures is designed to address the physical changes that commonly occur during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Changes in the breasts, abdomen, waistline, and pubic area are common. A mommy makeover typically includes breast surgery to lift the nipple back to a position that is aesthetically pleasing, volume augmentation with an implant, or fat grafting, versus a breast reduction for those whose breasts remain too large after pregnancy. A mommy makeover also typically includes a tummy tuck, where the ab muscles are pulled back to the midline (otherwise known as a rectus diastasis repair) and excess or loose abdominal skin is removed. Oftentimes, focal liposuction is performed in the love handles or flank region. Other surgeries may also be considered in combination with this, depending on your areas of need. 

Every patient will have her own desired goals and target areas, which is why a Mommy Makeover is a customized procedure.

What are the Benefits of a Mommy Makeover?

Our patients who have received a Mommy Makeover by Dr. Molina who practices in lower Manhattan, love how the procedure is customized to their needs. Some benefits that have been noted include:

  • Better fit of clothing
  • Boost in self-confidence
  • Breasts that are lifted again
  • Removal of stretch marks and excess skin
  • Restored and improved body contours
  • Ability to combine multiple procedures into one recovery period
  • Repaired abdominal muscles and stronger core

Who are the Best Candidates for a Mommy Makeover Procedure?

The best candidates for a Mommy Makeover in New York City should meet the following criteria:

  • Be at a stable weight
  • Committed to continuing a healthy lifestyle after surgery
  • Done having children
  • Have a positive outlook and realistic expectations
  • In good medical health
  • Nonsmoker
  • Have loose, excess abdominal skin and abdominal muscle laxity (diastasis recti)
  • Have a desire to change the appearance of their breasts
woman on the floor Bianca | Molina Plastic surgery New York

Mommy Makeover First Step

What’s the first step?

The first step in the Mommy Makeover process is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bianca Molina in lower Manhattan. During this consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns, goals, and desired outcomes of your Mommy Makeover. She will evaluate your medical history, perform a physical exam of the targeted areas you want to address, and talk to you about the best approach and combination of procedures for an optimal outcome.

Our Concierge Team will provide you with a surgical quote to understand the costs of a Mommy Makeover. Our team will also schedule your surgery at a time that is convenient for you, provide you with detailed preoperative instructions, and ensure you are fully prepared for the entire experience of a Mommy Makeover.

What to Expect on the Day of Mommy Makeover Surgery

On the day of your Mommy Makeover surgery, Dr. Molina will see you first thing to go over the surgical plan again and ensure you are completely comfortable and at ease. You will also meet the anesthesia and nursing teams. Surgery is only done by Dr. Molina at an accredited facility.

Once you enter the operating room, you will be given anesthesia. Surgery will be performed stepwise by Dr. Molina. Afterward, you will be placed in surgical garments and sent to the recovery room.

Mommy Makeover Recovery

After your Mommy Makeover surgery, Dr. Molina will see you in recovery to ensure you are clinically progressing. The nursing and anesthesia teams will also ensure you are appropriately recovered from anesthesia before going home. You will need an approved escort to take you home from surgery and stay with you on the night of surgery. We also offer a private nurse to stay overnight with you if you so desire. 

You will be given prescription pain medication after surgery and a detailed pain management plan to keep you comfortable after surgery. Patients are required to walk around their home the day of surgery, eat a light diet, and rest. All patients who undergo a tummy tuck will have surgical drains. In the days after surgery, it is beneficial to add protein to your diet as this has been proven to aid wound healing. 

Dr. Molina sees all surgery patients on the first or second day after surgery, and then within the first week. Your drains will be removed once the fluid output is low, and your incisions closely monitored for healing. Postoperative visits continue up to a year after surgery and are spaced out as appropriate. Supportive garments will be continued for the 6-8 weeks after surgery. 

Patients can increase activity slowly and most are back to full exercise and unrestricted activities by 8-12 weeks. You will see immediate results after surgery, and swelling continues to improve up to 3 months after surgery, with final results appreciated at 6 months to a year after surgery.

Mommy Makeover Cost

How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost in New York City, NY?

The cost of a Mommy Makeover in New York City depends on a number of factors, including which procedures are being performed, the length of surgery, and where surgery is performed. After discussing your goals with Dr. Molina during your consultation, she will create a surgical plan and our Concierge Team will provide pricing. 

Why Choose Dr. Molina?

Dr. Molina is a board-certified, award-winning plastic surgeon with over ten years of surgical experience and has spent years serving patients in some of New York’s most reputable hospitals. A well-published and active participant in the plastic surgery community, she has dedicated her life to learning, sharing, and improving the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. With this level of personal attention to the field and her work, you can be sure that your experience at Bianca Molina Plastic Surgery will mirror the dedication to quality that Dr. Bianca Molina holds.

Dr. Molina is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and a proud diplomat of the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS).

Dr. Molina is a surgeon, wife, and mother of two young boys and resides in lower Manhattan

dr molina Bianca | Molina Plastic surgery New York

Mommy Makeover FAQ’S

  • “Amazing surgeon very attentive, comfortable to talk to, and her demeanor is beautiful. Mommy’s makeover coming along beautifully, would recommend her anytime!!”


Schedule a Consultation

If you are in Manhattan and would like to explore your options after pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding, consider a Mommy Makeover by Dr. Bianca Molina at Bianca Molina Plastic Surgery. To schedule your initial consultation, please contact our office or use our website to fill out a consultation request form. We look forward to meeting you.

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