Body Lift After Bariatric Surgery First Step
What’s the first step?
The first step in pursuing your body lift in Manhattan is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bianca Molina. During this consultation, Dr. Molina will discuss your goals for surgery and understand your expectations. She will review your medical history, perform a physical exam, and determine a safe surgical plan.
Dr. Molina will review in detail the proposed incision sites, areas of fat and skin that are to be
removed, and be sure you understand the risks and benefits of surgery, including scarring. You should expect to leave the office with a solid plan for the procedure, and our Concierge Team will facilitate scheduling surgery, discuss payment, provide you with preoperative and postoperative instructions, and ensure you understand the full timeline of the process. will help you schedule the surgery and discharge you with any pre-op instructions including stopping any medications, maintaining a healthy weight continuing to avoid smoking and alcohol, and pricing options.